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Cross At Your Own Risk! World’s 7 Most Dangerous Bridges

Akshay Kulkarni
Visiting these hardest to cross and scariest to look-down-from bridges across the world will challenge the adrenaline junkie in you. Stay tuned as we've saved the scariest for the end.

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Carrick-A-Rede Rope Bridge
Dangerously placed between the cliff-tops and above the deadly rocks, it takes guts to conquer this bridge.

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Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge
With everyone posting their reaction videos on this architectural masterpiece, it has become somewhat of social media phenomenon.

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Golden Gate Bridge
Known as the deadliest suicide bridge in the United States, this bridge is notorious for people jumping off it to commit suicide.

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Capilano Suspension Bridge
450 feet long and 230 feet high, this bridge is considered as one of the most dangerous suspension bridges of the world.

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Royal Gorge Bridge
Constructed in 1929 and situated at the height of 291 m, this is the highest bridge in the United States.

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Trift Bridge
170 m long and 100 m high, Trift bridge is situated in the Alps of Gadmen. If you wanna survive this bridge, do not look down.

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Kuandinsky Bridge
No railings for support, iced over for most of the year. No wonder crossing this one is so scary!