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Guidelines for First Time Scuba Divers

Niharika Arya
Scuba diving is one of the best ways of exploring the underwater world. Guidelines for first time scuba divers given in this story will help you to make this experience more interesting and safe from the very first time. Have a look.
Our earth is covered with 70% water and the water bodies are several thousands of feet deep. There are millions of species in water out of which we know just a few as several areas of water are unexplored.
To get a real under water experience and to explore the virgin areas of oceans many people love to go underwater diving. This is known as scuba diving as scuba is an acronym of 'Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus'. In this type of underwater diving, divers use air from a tank or cylinder which helps them stay under water for a longer time.
There are basically two types of scuba diving: recreational scuba diving and professional scuba diving. In recreational scuba diving, normal air tanks are given which help the person under water for a limited period of time and the training is given for a limited depth.
Whereas, professional scuba divers are provided with specialized air tanks which can support them longer and they are trained for more than 500 feet depth. In both the types one needs to keep few important things in mind in order to be safe and enjoy their time in underwater from the very first dive. Let's find out some of these important points.

Scuba Diving Tips

Scuba diving is real fun and is one of the most enjoyable water sports. But at the same time there are many dangers of scuba diving, if you lack in training and awareness about the under water world. Hence it is very important to get proper training before going scuba diving.
Following are some of the guidelines for first time scuba divers. We have divided these guidelines into two sections: air scuba diving tips and scuba diving safety tips.

Air Scuba Diving Tips

  • You need to keep practicing more and more so as to increase your stamina and to understand how you can save air in your tank.
  • Try to breathe slowly and deeply. Do not try to hold your breath in order to save more air as it will not help.
  • Minimize your movement, as the more you move, the more air will be consumed. Use your fins to move forwards and concentrate on your movement.
  • Check if anything is dangling on your setup as this can increase the weight and in turn will increase air consumption.
  • Make sure your tank has no leakage as it may create problems under the water. Check all the possible places from where the air can leak like O-rings, connection points and inflater hose.
  • Try to remain horizontal with the surface as vertical swimming will increase the resistance to water and will in turn increase the air consumption.
  • Do not try to go quickly, examine everything. Go slow as it will reduce the air consumption and you can enjoy the water world more deeply.

Scuba Diving Safety Tips

  • Check all your equipment like mask, air tank, pipe, regulator, etc., before entering the water. You can also check the equipment by diving into a controlled environment like a swimming pool.
  • You should always dive with a partner or in a group. This will make you secure as they can get you out of trouble. Never dive alone.
  • Be prepared for any adverse condition to avoid getting panic in such situations.
  • Never dive after drinking alcohol as the body gets dehydrated after the consumption of alcohol and also affects the judgment.
  • You need to follow your diving plan. Regularly monitor your location, air, your buddies, time and depth. It is very necessary for your safety.
  • Practice to control your buoyancy control so as to save yourself from stress, knee jerks and other problems.
  • If you have any type of health complications then consult your doctor before diving as it can be dangerous.
So these were some of the guidelines on scuba diving. Training is an essential part of scuba diving hence never go for any underwater activity without training. Observe the experienced divers in order to learn proper techniques. Enjoy this amazing feeling and explore a different side of the living world.