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Hiking Food Ideas

Shrinivas Kanade

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On an outing, well thought out hiking food ideas can save your time and efforts when you are tired and hungry. Read on, to know more on food ideas for hiking and snack ideas for hiking.
Why people go on an expedition when they can sit at ease, at home, and enjoy a popular TV show? The reason for someone leaving the safety and coziness of the home, to get sweaty and bone tired is a thing that one can only understand by going on a hike. However, it must be a planned, considering to the terrain of the hike and one's energy requirements.
One should not compromise on the food stuffs to carry because of their weight. One can plan his or her own camping food on the basis of duration of the expedition and the durability of the food.

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Along with all your food stuffs, it will pay to pack in a food guide which can help you out with ideas for hiking meals.

Hiking Food Tips

If the hike is going to last for a few hours then, carrying some snacks may be a solution for you. However, if you expect such a hike to end by the evening or early night, it would be a good idea to end it on a good note by utilizing one of the food ideas from a food guide to prepare a meal. Whatever your choice in this regard, be prepared to support it.
On the other hand, if the hike is going to last for two or more days at a stretch. In that case, you may like to juggle a few hiking and picnic food ideas to decide what kind of food stuff you would like to take with you.
If you are going to take perishable stuffs like meat, then using camping food storage units such as a cooler can be useful. Be aware that you need to eat at least 3 meals a day to be on the go.

Hiking or Backpacking Breakfast Ideas

It is always a good idea to start your march after having a hearty breakfast. If you have done your homework properly while preparing for your backpacking and have essential stuffs ready, you may like to try some snack ideas for hiking. The following are a few ideas for hiking meals such as a breakfast.


Couscous is like a porridge, that you can enjoy on your first morning of the hike. Mix it with the honey to improve its taste from plain to sweet and add hand full of chopped almonds, apricots and powdered milk to it.
Add hot water to this concoction as prescribed on the package or in the food guide and let it wait for 10-15 minutes before cooking. If you are already in the targeted area by the breakfast time, this is one of the easy to do food ideas for hiking which you may like to try on the first day of the hike.

Bulghur Wheat

Next morning while preparing the breakfast, may be you can try Bulghur wheat. It is a whole wheat which, in short time, can be turned into the breakfast. If you are really looking forward to this dish, then you should not forget to let the Bulghur wheat sit overnight in water. This helps in drastically reducing cooking time for this dish.
Follow the instructions in the food guide and let the Bulghur wheat soak water and go soft on you while you sleep. While preparing the breakfast add sugar, chopped almonds and dried cranberries to it for the taste before heating the mixture.

Hash Browns

If you are looking for a power meal as your breakfast, try Bacon-flavored hash browns. You may not prefer it at home, but, on an outing it really works. Mix hash browns (dehydrated), powdered milk, bacon bits, chopped onion and pepper, powdered egg, parsley and salt as per the instructions. Add water to the mixture before cooking it like a pancake.

Hiking Food Menu Ideas

Mushroom in Brown Sauce

  • Noodles (Opt for a large packet)
  • 1-2 Pint of fresh mushrooms
  • Brown Sauce
  • Sliced Beef Jerky
  • Margarine

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Cook noodles by adding water to them. Set them aside. Spend about 10 minutes to prepare mushrooms in margarine. Now, it is time to add sauce packet and jerky to the mushrooms. Refer a good food guide to know cooking directions for sauce.

Potatoes, Beef Gravy and Jerky

  • 1 cup of potatoes (instant type)
  • 1 package of beef gravy mix or sausage
  • 2 tablespoons of powdered milk
  • Dried jerky
This is one of the easiest food ideas for an hiker to utilize. Start by mixing all ingredients in a camping cookware and add 1 cup boiling water to it. Mix well and cover the pot. When it is cooked, let it sit for 5 min.

Soft Tacos

  • 5-7 Tortillas (soft)
  • 1 box of Taco Hamburger substitute (vegetarian meat substitute)
  • Cheese
  • 1 packet of Taco Sauce for the flavor
Use taco hamburger substitute as it saves time (seasonings are already added). You can use taco hamburger substitute, add water and seasonings and cook for 15 minutes. Add tortillas and cheese, let it cool and then enjoy.
Well, each one of us needs a little bit more breathing space than our daily lifestyle allows us. Before you set out on a hiking expedition, care must be taken to pack everything one may need in the area where you are going. One thing that must be kept in mind is that physically, hiking is a demanding sport. When you are in it, you need to eat properly.