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How to Catch Largemouth Bass

Ningthoujam Sandhyarani
Here are tips to plan a fishing trip like where to fish for largemouth bass, the right time to do it and the kind of bait you'll need.

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Largemouth bass (scientific name Micropterus salmoides) that belongs to the sunfish family, is an attractive freshwater fish. It is the state fish of Georgia, Florida, and Alabama and is known by various names in different countries. True to its name, it has an exceptionally large mouth.
Another characteristic feature for identifying it are the blackish blotches that form a stripe along the length of the flank on both sides. On an average, an adult grows to about 40 cm long and weighs about 8 kg. The largest largemouth to have ever been recorded, is about 75 cm long and weighs about 11.5 kg.
If you understand basic fishing techniques, then angling for this attractive species can be quite a lot of fun and a rewarding activity. Make yourself ready for this challenging sport with the help of the effective pointers mentioned.

Fishing Gear

They inhabit in both shallow and deep waters, depending upon the prevailing weather conditions. Hence, be ready with surface lures and deep-diving lures for catching them.


According to anglers, largemouth bass like colored plastic worms. Try fishing with varied color worms. If you are failed in catching with a specific worm color, change the worm on the hook to a lighter or darker color.

Fishing Spot

These fish survive in a wide variety of freshwater habitats such as lakes, rivers, and streams. It tries to hide under logs, plants, vegetation, and rocks.
The ideal fishing spot is a shaded area with a vegetation. Set your lure in areas where there are rock formations or tree falls.

Fishing Time

These fish tend to remain at the bottom of the water bodies during bright hours of the day. They are very sensitive to light and prefer spending time in dark, cool, and quiet waters.

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Considering this, you can plan an early morning fishing trip or go after sunset during the summer. They usually feed themselves in areas with low light, which also means that on overcast days, you can fish for the largemouth bass at any time of the day.
Without proper knowledge, catching this fish can be very tricky. Planning beforehand and being ready can save you a lot of time and energy.