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How to Preserve Catalpa Worms for Fishing

Vijith Menon

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Catalpa worms are used as bait for various fish. If you're tired of buying them in a box, we shall tell you about a method to preserve catalpa worms for future use.

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"It is to be observed that 'angling' is the name given to people who can't fish."
―Stephen Leacock
Since ages, fishing has always been a pastime of the rich and poor alike. Dressed in suspenders and a pole swinging from their hands, they would jauntily march down to the dock, hardly able to contain their excitement. As you swing the bait, again and again, till your hands ache and the palms have stuck to the fishing rod as if one arm.
There are different types of baits used to lure different fish. Some use lures, bait designed to look like smaller fish or worms. While others use live bait to catch fish. These may be worms, bugs, maggots, and various other insects. But nothing is easier than a worm; it'll be a slurp breakfast for the fish, which will end as a healthy lunch for you.
The catalpa worm is the most preferred type of bait used to lure catfish, pan fish, bass, and even carp. The best thing to do is to store them for an extended period of time, and use them at the right time. here, we'll tell you how to preserve these catalpa worms.

How to Identify

Catalpa worms are yellow in color, but have distinct black markings on either side. They grow to a length of around 5 cm, and feed on the leaves of the Northern Catalpa and Southern Catalpa trees. They are also known as Catawba worms, and highly desired as fishermen bait.

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Catalpa worms grow into adults within a few weeks, so the time to hatch them is pretty short. They ooze a particular scent, which makes them very appealing to catfish.

Where are They Found?

Look for catalpa trees with their leaves chewed out. It's not uncommon for these worms to strip a tree of its leaves for nutrition. Some of them can be picked right off the trees. Some are found underground, where they rest to hide from predators.
Look for their hatches during spring or summer. These worms usually start spitting once you get a hold of them, like a baby trying to say its first word. Ignore the suckers and stuff them in a bag.

How to Preserve Them

● Catalpa worms
● A pot of boiling water
● Paper towels
● Ziploc bag
● Either cornmeal or flour

1. Heat the water until steam starts to form.

2. Drop in a few worms at a time. Once they start floating, they can be taken out. This process is called blanching.
3. Place them on paper towels.

4. Then place them in a Ziploc bag with flour or cornmeal, and put this bag into the freezer. Freezing catalpa worms this way is ideal.

5. The worms will keep their color and texture this way. Some people use sawdust or dirt to preserve them.
When you need to use them as bait, take them out, one bag at a time. Once you put them in the water, they'll dethaw immediately, and voila, you have fresh worms to be used as bait.