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Important Tips for Paragliding

Niharika Arya
Paragliding is a famous adventure sport but at the same time it is quite dangerous. Hence it is necessary to follow important paragliding tips to ensure safety and to enjoy every single moment of your glide.

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"Birds have wings; they're free; they can fly where they want when they want. They have the kind of mobility many people envy."...
Roger Tory Peterson
Well, that's true. Humans, however, have found alternatives to wings in many forms, one of them being paragliding.

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It is one of the adventure sports which has been enjoyed and loved by people for years.
This activity is not only famous for adventure but is also well-known for its injuries and accidents. Though the rate of accidents has reduced extensively, there are still many possibilities of getting hurt while performing this activity. Rate of injury decreases with experience. To begin with, a person needs to follow proper guidelines in terms of safety.

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Some Important Paragliding Tips

A parachute like canopy is required for the purpose of paragliding; and with the help of wind and gravity the person can keep sailing for a long time. But the take off and landing are considered to be the most difficult parts and thus cause the maximum number of accidents.

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Hence one needs to be trained before going for a glide. Following are some of the tips which if you keep in mind, can help you do this job perfectly and safely.

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► Find a good instructor who can teach you to paraglide safely and perfectly.

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He must be a USHGA (United States Hang Gliding & Paragliding Association) Certified Basic or Advanced Paragliding Instructor or has done an equivalent course in paragliding. Don't just start training without checking experience and skill as these types of training can be dangerous.

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► You need to have the right equipment to fly. This will include wings, harness, variometer, radio and global positioning system, etc. You can consult your instructor for detailed information about the equipment and take his advice before buying any of them.

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► The next most important thing is the weather. You should never go for paragliding when it is raining or under any other bad weather conditions. It can be very dangerous. Never fly when the wind measures more than 25-30 mph speed-wise.

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► Look for the place where you will be practicing. If you are required to run on a slope to take off then observe it properly and speak to your instructor for any doubts.
The slope should not be more than 15 degrees as more slope will create problems in controlling the balance. Find and clear up obstructions so as to avoid accidents at the time of take off.

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► The landing site should be clear and accessible as most accidents are observed at the time of landing.

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► Do not forget to take all the safety gear in order to be safe at all times. Helmets are compulsory as a head injury can be fatal.

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The slope should not be more than 15 degrees as more slope will create problems in controlling the balance. Find and clear up obstructions so as to avoid accidents at the time of take off.
► In case of emergency landing, try and look out for trees. They will no doubt hurt you but, will also reduce the risk of fatality.
► Always carry a sharp object, like a knife perhaps, as it will help you in an emergency if you are entangled in wires or cords.
Precautions and safety measures are the only way which can help you to reduce the risk of accidents. Keep all the tips in mind and go for the glide. If anything goes wrong while you are gliding, keep yourself calm and apply your common sense to get out of that problem as there are no advance techniques to improve the glide. The techniques are very basic.

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You just have to use them properly at the proper place. If you are afraid of heights then it's advisable to stay on the ground as once you are off the ground you have to help yourself to get out of that condition. So, take a note of all these tips as they are going to be very helpful while paragliding.