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Top Tips for Beach Camping

An ultimate guide for all your beach camping tips is here. Stay ahead of the pack and prepare yourself for maximum enjoyment. Keep reading!
William Brown


There is no better way to relax than by the beach, hearing the waves crash while you drift away into a deep sleep. That’s why we love beach side camping. Imagine waking up to the beautiful ocean in front of you! Make sure you have a good pair of binoculars to appreciate nature's wonders, check out this website for great reviews.


It is important to have right supplies for a camping trip, but camping beachside can be trickier. Having the basic necessities like a tent, sleeping bag and a canopy is important, but the nights can be chilly so it’s good to invest in a compact tent heater too – just in case!

Don't Forget About The Sand!

Sand can get in every nook of your sleeping bag and tent, so remember a dustpan and brush to brush off sand from your sleeping bag. Another nifty thing to remember is baby powder. It sucks up all the moisture from the sand and it will just fall off. Sand stakes are amazing tool to have when you camp on sand – great for stability!

Be Sun Savvy

Beaches generally stretch for miles and miles with no trees or shelter. The sun reflects off the waves making it even harsher so you need to prepare yourself against the sun. A beach umbrella is an obvious choice and you can invest in a camping canopy as a shadier option.

Be Sure To Protect Yourself

You may have to use a lot of SPF and always wear a wide-brimmed hat as the sun can be scorching hot. You don’t want to ruin a perfect camping trip with sunburn or illness like sun poisoning.

Keep Water

Now that we’ve covered the sun – let’s talk about water. You are surrounded by water but do you have your own decent water supply? Do some research to know if there is freshwater close to your camping site or will you have to take your own supply of water purifiers and filters?

Avoid Dirty Water

If you are camping in an area with dirty water, try not to swim or get the water in your mouth, you can get really sick and ruin your entire experience.

Stay Covered

Big water bodies tend to attract one of our least favorite insects– mosquitoes. That’s why a sunshade with screens will make a camping experience more glamorous. Keep mosquitoes at bay with a compact sunshade and use it to relax under too!

Keep Out of Dunes Way

Camping next to dunes seems like a great idea, you might think they offer some protection against the wind bit this is not the case. Dunes can be dangerous because they cover loose rocks that can fall on your tent. Dunes have their natural vegetation and wildlife and tampering with it can have a negative effect. Just admire them!

Good Camping Etiquette

The likeliness of camping completely alone is slim. That’s why it is important to have good camping etiquette. Remember to pick up all your trash and take your garbage with you. Try using eco-friendly cups and biodegradable soaps. Beaches are beautiful and it is our job to keep them clean. Leave only your footprints behind when camping.

Keeping With The Tides

Be aware of rip currents and check the tides. The ocean is powerful and the idea to camp right next to the water might sound appealing until you wake up with all your possessions washed away! Familiarize yourself with the tides before heading to the beach and know when it’ll be high and low tide.

Nature Happens

Beaches and wind are synonymous, a strong wind will blow your tent and your belongings all over the place. Try not to leave your belongings all over the place. Use sandbags in the corner of your tent to stabilize your tent and make sure you have a durable tent. If dark clouds roll in, it could damper your camping spirit.

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Beach side camping is a great way to connect with nature and have a lovely time with family and friends. There are many fun activities to do while camping. Take these tips into consideration and you are sure to have a great time. Happy camping!